St. John the Baptist/Prayer
'Let my prayer rise before you as incense; the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice
(psalm 141:2)
Welcome to our prayer page. Here you will find some resources about different ways of praying that you may find helpful. Prayer is anywhere and everywhere and in God's time.
Prayer is key to our faith. We pray for ourselves, other people, the world we live in and God's church on a regular basis. We put our faith and trust in the power of the Holy Spirit being at work in our prayers.
Prayer can be offered in all sorts of different ways and settings. You find what works for you and a place that you feel comfortable in. The Bible is our ultimate source for for our prayer and spirituality. Praying can be done individually, as a group or as a community. We are able to pray out loud or in silence, we can use words, symbols, pictures, prayer stations and many more resources.
'Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God'
(Philippians 4:6)
Where two or three are gathered, there I am in the midst of them'
(Matthew 18:20)
The key thing with praying individually is finding what works for you, a space and time. It doesn't have to be the same time but you have the option to create your own pattern of what works around your lifestyle.
Common worship Daily Prayer Book
Book of Common Prayer
Celtic Daily Prayer
Great outdoors
Inside a building: e.g. church, house, work place etc
Artistic - Icons, drawing, painting, colouring, craft, baking etc
As a group
The key thing about praying as a group is finding what everyone feels most comfortable using and in a space that feels relaxing for everyone.
Common worship Daily prayer book
Book of Common Prayer
Celtic Daily prayer book
Great outdoors
Inside a building: church, house, work place etc
As a community
Praying as a community is similar in praying as a group. Our faith is community focused so its important that we live this out be praying and worshipping together regularly.
Common worship Daily prayer book
Book of Common Prayer
Celtic Daily prayer book
Outside in nature
Inside a building: e.g. church, house, work place etc
Artistic e.g. Icons, drawing, baking etc
Further Resources
Church of England Daily Prayer
Join us in a service of Daily Prayer | The Church of England
Taize Prayer & worship
Celtic Daily Prayer
Join us in our Daily Prayer - Northumbria Community
Icon prayer
A brief guide on how to pray with icons --Aleteia
Rosary prayer